Energy, Frequency & Vibration #2 - God's Word
This is part 2 in the series on "Energy, Frequency & Vibration." In the first post in this series we learned the basics and defined "Energy, Frequency & Vibration." Today we are focusing on God's Word and the basics about words/speech.
We first need to understand how the voice works (this will be extremely basic - I will not go into great scientific detail).
Firstly, power (energy) is generated by the respiratory system (the lungs) to pump airflow to the vocal cords. Then, that airflow vibrates the vocal cords to produce sound (frequency). (There's so much more about formation of words but we won't go into that much detail).
Frequency has the unit - hertz
Human hearing happens between 20 hertz up to 20,000 hertz
Subsonic is below 20 hertz
Supersonic is above 20,000 hertz
lower frequency = lower pitch
higher frequency = higher pitch
greater amplitude = louder sound
After understanding the basics behind "words" - we see that words include all three aspects of this series:
- energy
We are going back to the beginning again - all throughout Genesis chapter 1 (please read the entire chapter for yourself) we read how God spoke everything into existence (God said: let there be light; let there be a firmament; let the earth bring forth grass; let there be lights in the firmament.........) (to give an example - see just one verse below):
"Then God said, 'let there be light' and there was light."
Genesis 1:3
Genesis 1:3
That's why God's words are vital for every aspect of our life.
I absolutely love the Scripture passage below - Our Heavenly Father's words will ALWAYS complete what He intended to happen. His words will NEVER fail.

That's why we must focus on, read and repeat God's words everyday! Just like the verse below - we thrive off of God's words - it is nourishment and sustenance.
Our words also have consequences. In the many verses below we see how a positive word causes good things to happen and negative words have a bad outcome. (see below)
This next verse should be life changing!
Death and life are in the power of what we say!!!!
Words are important.
I believe that changing our words to positive, God glorifying words will change our circumstances for the better. Even if it's something like a sore foot - if you constantly focus on the pain and say things like:
"It hurts so much. I am walking awkwardly and now my back will probably go out. I won't be able to visit my mother."
All of that negativity will bring you even farther down in the dumps and now you're dealing with foot pain, back pain and depression. Instead, (even if you don't feel happy) say something like:
"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."
I'm speaking from experience - it works!!
Our words send out a frequency. Negative words are destructive and positive words are constructive. Our words can even affect those around us. That's why quoting from Scripture (God's word) should be where we turn first. God's words will never lie and they will show us the way.
Previous "Energy, Frequency & Vibration" posts:
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