Early Spring Greens - LAMB'S LETTUCE or CORNSALAD
This is a cold hardy lettuce or winter green. Lamb's Lettuce got it's name because it is said that the first fresh green sheep eat in the spring is "Lamb's Lettuce" (a.k.a. "Cornsalad"). This lettuce variety is native to Europe and parts of Asia and Africa.
We covered our Cornsalad with a cheap piece of clear plastic tarp but it thrived outside through our cold Michigan winter.
The texture of this lettuce is very tender and buttery. The flavor is very mild with a slight sweetness. It makes a perfect salad when added to other spring greens (see pictures below):
A delicious spring salad when mixed with other tender greens.
Other "GREENS" Posts:
(click on each title to view the entire post)
KALE - 4 Different Varieties
Arugula - I Ardently Admire & Love it!

Unintentional Microgreen Kale

Arugula, Cranberry & Cashew Salad
A Basket of Greens
Grapes'n Grain Chicken Salad on a Bed of Greens
Peachy Keen KALE Smoothie

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