DIY 3-Tier Strawberry Patch (Plus RECIPES)
Back in the winter of this year I ordered a "3-Tier Strawberry Patch Kit" - I spent the entire winter just counting down the days until my strawberry patch kit would arrive. My order confirmation email stated that it would be sent out May 15th and would arrive about a week after that date. Needless to say, I never received my highly anticipated garden package. I never received an email warning that there might be a problem so I researched and tried to track the order. It had never been sent!!!!! It was on back-order until the end of July - JULY!!!! As you can tell I am not at all pleased with this company, especially since they never even tried to contact me regarding the change.
Anyway, I had already bought strawberry plants, so I decided to make my own strawberry patch. As you can see by the picture above this 3-tier garden is not at all level and not even close to a perfect circle. But, the strawberries won't care and I think it has character.
I bought some plastic garden edging. Using a garden spade I edged out the circle size that I wanted and made sure that the space that I dug was deep enough for the plastic edging to fit perfectly (see picture below):
We have some compost that is only halfway decomposed, so I hauled some of that compost to my new strawberry circle. I spread that evenly in the large circle and topped it with potting soil. I then placed the second medium size circle inside the large one. Using the plastic edging I placed it only halfway into the bottom layer (so that there was a tier effect). I filled that with compost material and topped with potting soil. I repeated these steps with a smaller third and final circle (see picture below):
Filled that final circle with compost & potting soil (see picture below).
I arranged my strawberry plants before actually planting them (some of the plants I had were large from a green house and the other smaller ones arrived through the mail as dormant slips)
The finished product below:
Below are some of my favorite strawberry recipes previously posted on my blog:
(click on each title to view the entire post)
Strawberry, Mulberry & Lime Scones
Arugula Strawberry Salad with Poppyseed Dressing
Strawberry Mango Trifle

Strawberry Syrup - Homemade & Home Canned

Frozen Strawberries & Kiwi-Banana SMOOTHIE

Simple Strawberry Shortcake From Scratch

Strawberry Mango Jam

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Linked to:
Arugula Strawberry Salad with Poppyseed Dressing
Strawberry Mango Trifle
Strawberry Syrup - Homemade & Home Canned
Frozen Strawberries & Kiwi-Banana SMOOTHIE
Simple Strawberry Shortcake From Scratch
Strawberry Mango Jam
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