Wisdom From Heaven #7 - FULL OF MERCY
This is the seventh post in the series called "Wisdom from Heaven". In this series we will be studying James chapter 3, which details how to put heavenly wisdom into practice in our everyday lives.
Today we are focusing on being FULL OF MERCY from heaven.
Let's begin by defining:
mercy - compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. Charity, leniency, clemency, pity.
Often, I have heard both mercy and grace lumped into the same meaning, when they are really opposites.
Simply put - Grace is the gift that you do not deserve but receive anyway, and Mercy is the punishment that you do deserve but are spared from receiving.
In the Scripture passage above you will notice that we can NEVER be saved by our own actions. Salvation ONLY comes from God through Jesus Christ His only Son, who came to earth, died for our sins and rose again! Believe and you will be saved.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"
John 3:16
We have been spared the punishment of eternal damnation because of God's mercy.
God showed us mercy and therefore, we must show anyone & everyone else that same mercy. I like how the Bible verse above is worded - "Mercy triumphs over judgement." Many people think that Christianity is so judgmental, when actually Christianity is all about mercy and forgiveness.
God's Mercy triumphed over our death - therefore let's make sure that we show that same mercy to those around us.
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