Wisdom From Heaven #1 - WISE UNDERSTANDING
We are starting a new series today called "Wisdom from Heaven". In this series we will be studying James chapter 3, which details how to put wisdom into practice in our everyday lives.
We will begin by defining these two words: wise and understanding.
wise - having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement.
understanding - the power of comprehending; the power to make experience intelligible by applying concepts and categories; sympathetically aware of other's people's feelings - forgiving.
I noticed that the synonyms for "understanding" list both nouns and adjectives - I joined the listed adjective to the nouns and they are perfect descriptions of the "wise understanding" that we are studying:
Compassionate Discernment
Sympathetic Perception
Considerate Interpretation
You will notice that James 3:13 explains that wise understanding is shown through our actions (our good deeds) (see verse above).
You might be asking: "How do we become wise? Where does it come from?"
Look at the verse below. Wisdom comes from God but it's not just an instant happening. Even though wisdom comes from God we must still do our part - it takes work. We must study the Bible, pray and put God's Word into action in our everyday life.

Finally, you will notice that in James 3:13 the word HUMILITY was used. Since wisdom comes from God, then we can NOT be arrogant about our actions. If we are showing Godly wisdom through our actions, then it is God who must get the glory - we have no understanding and wisdom without Him.

Study the verses above and you will see that even after a lifetime of growing in God and putting the Bible into practice, we must continue to submit to God and trust Him constantly.
Wise understanding from heaven will create a good person who strives to always do good.
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This is a great message. Wisdom is something I truly hope for in my life. I appreciate your insight about action and humility. Visiting today from the Over the Moon link up. Have a great week!