Fun Fridays #25 - Cross-country Skiing with a Great Pyrenees
Happiness and laughter are so good for our health!
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful" Proverbs 15:13
(click HERE to read the health benefits of laughter)
This is a series called: "Fun Fridays". On the first Friday of every month I will share with you an old photo or something from the recent past that made me happy; in hopes that it will at least make you smile 😊

These pictures were taken 9 years ago while cross-country skiing in the woods behind the public library in our community. In the first picture above you will see Gourdon (my Great Pyrenees) with a patch of snow under his mouth - he loved to eat snow by scooping it up as he walked along (winter was his favorite season). The second picture shows my husband skiing at a good pace ahead, while I was quite a way behind skiing very slowly with Gourdie on a leash. Gourdon was not a "skijorning" type of dog breed - he would take his time sniffing everything on the side of the pathway. I didn't mind the slow pace because I was able to take a selfie with Gourdie (see third picture above).
Click to view other Fun Fridays:
#13 Snow Buried Chalet
#14 Dollie Cake & Dollie Dress
#15 Orange & Brown Crocheted Dress
#16 Spring Thaw Ice Pile Up of 1986
#17 Amazing Dollies Made By My Mom
#18 Sand Castles & Diaper Bikini
#19 Sisters & Kitty
#20 Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
#21 Dressed Alike On The First Day of School
#22 Rubik's Cube Halloween
#23 The Dog Who Loved Leaves
#24 Bundle Up! It's January!
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Linked to:
Happiness is Homemade
Pretty Pintastic Party
Tuesdays with a Twist
You're the STAR
A Themed Linkup #145
Take Up The THANKFULNESS Challenge!
I challenge you to thank God for something everyday for one year! Either write it down in a diary OR share with us on a blog. If you have a blog & would like to share your THANKFULNESS posts with us, then please fill out this form: 365 Days of Being THANKFUL form - click HERE and you will be added to the THANKFULNESS page.
Oh, WOW, look at him. I bet you all had fun that day! Thanks so much for linking up at #AThemedLinkup 145 for All About Pets. Shared.