The Enduring Journey of the Magi
There were two patient and faithful actions by the Three Wise Men that are very important when studying the birth of Jesus Christ.
1. It would have taken 2 or 3 months to reach Jesus
These three wise men made the commitment to make this long journey to see Jesus Christ the King of the Jews. Many researchers believe that these men were either from India, Persia or China and therefore it would have taken them 2 or 3 months to reach Bethlehem. Remember that they would NOT have been there for the birth of Jesus. Even in the verses above Jesus is referred to as a "child" and not a "baby". So, it was also estimated that Jesus would have been about two years old when the wise men arrived. This is also amazing to me because that means that the star of Bethlehem shone during all that time! Just think of the faithful patience that it took to make that long journey on camel back.
2. They believed their dream, obeyed God and found a different route home
I'm sure that we have all had dreams that seemed real but when we wake up we just ignore what we saw while we were sleeping. What if the Magi had done that and kept their dreams to themselves? They would have returned home the same way and would have been killed by Herod. These wise men spread the word of Jesus' birth and therefore played an important part.
Let's think about this in modern terms - let's say that these were wealthy businessmen traveling together. This would have been a huge commitment to visit Jesus. It would have cost them their time ("time is money"), travel expenses and the possible ridicule from their peers.
This was a huge step of faith and God protected them. They avoided returning home the same way that they originally traveled to evade Herod - they most certainly would have been killed if they had gone the same way home.
Please enjoy the song below:
"We Three Kings of Orient Are"
A special thanks to "drwestbury" for sharing this with us on YouTube
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