Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Great Blog Train #5

All Aboard!!!
The Great Blog Train

A monthly blog hop departing from your online train station on the first Wednesday of every month!

Today is a special day - it's my mom's Birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!
Instead of the usual "Train Facts"  I wanted to share a picture of my mom when she was a child - My grandparents, uncle, aunt & my mom arrived from Europe by boat but then took a long train ride to their new home in North America (this is a picture from that train ride).
 photo scan0006_zpsa96d1f91.jpg

This month only - To celebrate my mom's birthday - If we can make it up to 100 boxcars then I will be giving away a free weekly ad space (on my blog) by picking a number out of a hat (whatever boxcar that number lands on receives a free weekly ad). 
Only if we reach 100 boxcars - so

 spread the word!

Chugga chugga! Chugga chugga! Toot! Toot!

Thank you to everyone who hopped on board last month! 

Remember to join the fun even if you are running a little late. The last entry will receive the Caboose Feature!

God’s Growing Garden

If you have been featured - please grab the "Caboose" button for your blog :-)

April's Caboose and featured blog is:
Judy H-J's Thoughts - A Twinless Twin. Jamaican Freelance writer on a healing journey after facing loss. Here Judy shares memories, hobbies, interests, pictures and much more 


Blog Train Rules, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for

1. Follow all three of the hostesses in at least one of the following ways: GFC, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Linky, Networked Blogs, or Facebook. Then leave us a comment telling us how you followed so that we can come back & visit you! The hostesses are:

Angie           Marci            Helen

2. Now link up your family friendly blog to the train...please only use your homepage, NOT a specific post! As you see below, we are quite serious about this rule:

3. And last, but not least, connect to the boxcar in front of you (the blog in the linky just before you). Stop by that person's blog, have a look around and leave a comment letting them know that you stopped in!

Now that you have your ticket you are
ready to board the rest of the train!

OPTIONAL:You may grab our “Great Blog Train” button and post it on your sidebar or link page.
Also, feel free to spread the word – the more the merrier!

Remember to check all 3 Hostesses Blogs to see who was featured from last month.
Click here to see:  My April Favorites from the fourth Great Blog Train.


This linky list is now closed.

Great Blog Train, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for

Linked to:
Adorned From Above

Please checkout this month's wonderful Sponsor!!
Cynthia Tessmer from "Stone Wear" creates Natural Beach Stone Jewelry (Please click on the ad below):



  1. Always happy to see another train leave the station! And that is a great photo, thanks for sharing :)

    Have a great week,

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`¤... Jennifer
    Jenn's Random Scraps

  2. Found you through Blue Eyed Beauty. Love the party. Thanks for hosting. I've linked up and am now following you on Pinterest.

    1. I'm following you back! Thank you for linking up to the train!

  3. I am happy to be the April Caboose! Happy Birthday to your Mom. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful month.

  4. Happy Birthday to your mom, and thanks for hosting another blog train! ~ Lisa

  5. Hi there! I'm following all the hostess on GFC. I'm so glad I found each of you.

    1. GFC seems to have a mind of it's own today - It wasn't working on your lovely blog so I'm following you on "Networked Blogs" instead. Thanks so much!!

  6. Hi
    I'm happy to be part of your Mom's Birthday Blog. Happiest of Birthday wishes to her. I'll tweet and G+ also.
    Angel @

  7. Hi Angie,
    Thanks so much for hosting.
    Debi and Charly

  8. Thank you for the invite to your blog train! I am happy to participate. Happy Birthday to your mom! Following you back on G+

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  9. Hi ladies, I followed all three of you through GFC! Thanks for hosting!

  10. Hi~ Joining you for my first Train Ride~ Now following you~ Have a wonderful day~ Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

    1. Thank you! - I hope you enjoy your ride! I'm already following your lovely blog.
      Thanks again

  11. Hi! Following you via Google. :)

  12. Thanks for the invitation to your hop. I am your newest follower :)
    I would love to invite you to add your hop to my Linky page so that I will remember to visit it regularly :)
    You can add it HERE
    Marigolds' Loft

    1. Thank you! I just added it & will be referring back to your list often.

  13. What a fun site you have. Thanks for visiting my blog this week. I signed up to follow you on twitter and networked blogs. Lots of neat ideas here!

  14. Thanks for the reminder, Angie. =0) I just linked up. Hope your weekend has been a great one.


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.

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