Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One Year Blog Anniversary Linky Party

I started this blog 1 year ago today - June 19th, 2011.  What makes a blog (in my opinion) is YOU - the readers and followers - so THANK YOU!!! 

To celebrate this first year I am having an
Anniversary Linky Party

I am sharing my top 5 posts - the posts that I had the most fun writing & creating.........and then below that is the "linky party."
I have had such a wonderful time and I look forward to a second year.

Here are my 5 favorite posts from my blog - feel free to click on the title for more details:

2.  Spiritual Fruit of the Month Club
This is a nine part Series - I have finished five parts and there are still four more parts to come - the first Sunday of each month.

4.  Sunflowers

Now it's your turn -
 What is your favorite post from your blog? - Please share it with us - anything from recipes, DIY projects, crafts, inspirational stories or post something from your online store.......anything (all I ask is that you keep the content decent please).

*Likes: (1)*

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I placed the first "linky" there just to get the party going.

  2. I think my mailbox is my favorite post, not because it's a better project, I'm better organized because of it!

  3. Happy Blogiversary, Angie - congratulations on a year of blogging. Thanks for visiting my little blog project and leaving such a nice comment on my Dad's cake. I'm your newest follower on Linky. Looking forward to getting to know you better

  4. oh YUM! those egg rolls look awesome! i'll have to try those out! found you via the blog hop and am excited to follow along xo


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.

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