
About Me

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My name is Angie Ouellette-Tower and the purpose of this blog is to help fellow “backyard farmers” in their varying degrees of experience. 
I am a Christian and I believe that we need to be good stewards with what God provides.
I do NOT profess to know everything but I do have 40 years of experience gardening, cooking, baking & canning.  Most of this knowledge I learned from my parents: my father grew almost every vegetable & fruit available in the mid-west region and my mother used this garden produce for baking, cooking, freezing or canning.  Many of the recipes that I share on this blog are my mom’s & other recipes are my own creations.  Nothing compares to the taste of fresh grown produce and made-from-scratch meals.  My husband & I try to grow everything as organic as possible (there have been some extreme cases in the past when we've had to use a chemical).
Doing everything from scratch not only tastes better but it will save you money also!
BLOG MOTTO:  Plant, Grow, Harvest, Preserve, Consume and Enjoy

Blog Stats:
- Here are my Follower stats:

GFC (Google Friends Connect) - 2,267
Bloglovin - 4,389
Twitter - 6,830

Pinterest - 6,060
Google+ - 2,280
Facebook - 4,453

Instagram - 1,604
Linky Followers - 108
Networked Blog - 1,242

Activate - 574

That's a grand total of 29,807 followers in some form or another

My monthly views average is 83,115 (as of October, 2019) 

NEW! - Rumble channel - checkout my Intro Video:

I am also a gourd artist - please checkout my website: Gourdonville

and my Etsy Shop (closed)
Then Enchanting World of Gourds

Please click on the “Blog Schedule” to see what to expect each day.  

Enjoy your stay on this Blog and I hope you find it very informative & helpful.

Contact me:

A Happy Pantry