Sunday, March 23, 2025

Tribes of Israel #4 - THE SPLIT BLESSING


Tribes of Israel #4 - The Split Blessing

It really is ridiculous that I have to start every post in this series with a disclaimer.  We are simply studying God's Word (the Bible) and learning about the Tribes of Israel but because the topic is "Israel", I automatically get comments calling me "anti-Semitic".  I am simply stating facts from the Bible - if you can't deal with Biblical facts then you'll have to take up your issues with God and not with me.  Here is the disclaimer:

I have not, am not and will never condone, encourage or participate in any kind of hate or violence towards any person or group of people.

Today we are going to focus on "the split blessing" from Joseph's line.

We will be going into more detail about each tribe but I'll give a quick summary of what happened to Joseph.  Joseph was his father's favorite son and all 11 of his brothers were jealous.  The brothers basically sold Joseph and then lied to their father about what actually happened to Joseph.  The brothers took Joseph's robe, soiled it with some animal's blood and told their father that a wild animal had attacked and killed Joseph.  To make a long story short, Joseph was successful in Egypt and eventually was able to help his brothers (even though they didn't deserve anything)
(read Genesis chapter 37 through Genesis chapter 48).

That brings us to Joseph's two sons: Manasseh & Ephraim (see verse below):


Jacob's sons (Manasseh & Ephraim) were adopted by his father because of the atrocious treatment that Joseph had received from his brothers (read passage below):


After this "adoption" of Manasseh & Ephraim, the total tribes were now 13 (Joseph is no longer included in this list because his blessing goes to his sons).  However, we know that there were only 12 tribes - so what happened?
Here is the list of tribes after taking Joseph off of the list:
- Reuben
- Simeon
- Levi
- Judah 
- Dan
- Naphtali
- Gad
- Asher
- Issachar
- Zebulun
- Benjamin
- Manasseh
- Ephraim

The tribe of Levi was given a special responsibility (see Scripture below): 


Now the total amount of tribes is back down to twelve (Once Levi is removed from that list of tribes). 

Old Testament study can be difficult but it's necessary to understand what actually happened and what God said because the truth is NOT what we're being told from mainstream media.
As usual, I ask that you pray for guidance and discernment and our Heavenly Father will show you the truth.  

Previous "Tribes of Israel" posts:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

Linked to:


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