SECRECY #5 (Part2) - Comment Response to Secret Societies
Today is the second part of the fifth post in the study about "secrecy." (click HERE to read part#1) I received a comment from a much loved reader and fellow blogger. I'm going about this in an unusual manner because I am making that reader's comment anonymous. The reason for this is because I do NOT want to get into a "comment war". Also, I value this commenter as a very talented writer with an amazing blog.
The Comment - (I will summarize) This comment started by bringing up the fact that many "mega churches" today are similar to secret societies in not allowing just anyone to join and requiring certain situations to be able to become a member (also bringing up tax exempt issues).
The second part of the comment defended the 33rd degree Masons due to the fact that the commenter had family members high up in the ranks of that secret society, as well as family members in the J.D.I. (Job's Daughters International, which is part of the Masons but for female members only). The commenter gave examples of the many charities provided by the masons.
I am in total agreement with the first portion of the comment. These man-made religions all have requirements and sometimes even secret rituals that are not revealed until after agreeing to their terms. Now, don't get me wrong - I am NOT talking about following God's Word - of course we should follow Jesus Christ. That means accepting His free gift of grace and mercy (eternal life) through Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Then, the repentance of sin automatically follows after being filled with the Holy Spirit. This gift is available to anyone and everyone - there is NO secrecy involved in becoming a believer in Christ Jesus.
Also, these mega churches are actually corporations instead of real ministries and this is almost like a well kept secret in the Christian community. Just last month in a post titled "God's Word Dos & Don'ts" (click HERE to read that post), I detailed how all of these megachurch pastors are multi-millionaires. There is obviously something secretive going on with the congregation's tithes to make all of these "pastors" so rich.
I would go even farther and state that by having 501c3 status making these churches tax deductible is not what God requires to meet and worship Him. Also, the "giving" portion does not make sense. If someone is truly giving 10% of their income, then giving to get a tax break is totally hypocritical.
The second part of the comment is where we split in opinion. I'd just like to preface my response with a disclaimer of sorts - I mean no disrespect and I expect anyone on the opposite side of my opinion to pray for discernment. I am sharing my opinion out of love only.
In the future I plan on doing detailed posts showing discrepancies with the masons (there are many whistleblowers who have come forward to reveal the truth about what is done in secrecy by the masons).
Today let's just talk about the "JDI" (Job's Daughters) - on Wikipedia it states: "The only religious prerequisite is a belief in a Supreme being." As a Christian that "Supreme Being" is blasphemous. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to our Heavenly Father (see verse below):
The commenter also brought up the many charities provided by the masons. While that is very commendable - I have also learned of questionable practices within some of those charities.
I am reminded of a quote about the devil:
Wouldn't it be typical of satan to use a seemingly awesome charity as a way to sway beliefs away from Jesus Christ through hidden and secretive practices or rituals?
I am NOT saying that people in these secret societies are evil but I am warning and praying that the truth will be revealed. It simply makes no sense at all to be secretive - the truth needs no hiding.
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