Energy, Frequency & Vibration #7 - CHURCH WINDOW SHAPES
This is part 7 in the series on "Energy, Frequency & Vibration." Today we are focusing on shapes or patterns and specifically those that appear in church windows.
I admit that this might sound a bit strange but there is a term for shapes made by sound/vibration/frequency - it's called "cymatics".
Cymatics - the study of visible effects of sound and vibration.
If you have been following this series then you will know that we have already seen the patterns of sound. In part 1 there was a video showing the shapes made by different frequencies (click HERE to view), and then in part 6 we saw a video showing the beautiful shapes water formed when prayed over (click HERE to view). Today we are going to watch a video showing the shapes made when a classical song is playing (notice that some of the shape patterns resemble the windows that I used in the title graphic shown above - at the top of this post).
Once you click on the "play" (the arrow) button below you should be brought to YouTube to watch the video there but just in case it doesn't work - here is the link to watch:
(a special thanks to "Mark Aizenberg" for sharing this on YouTube)
If you recall, in part 3 (click HERE to view) we learned that music can be healing - see Scripture below:
I believe that these shapes/patterns might be beneficial to our health or might have something to do with resonance.
Resonance - the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by supplementary vibration.
There is an "old world" church in a city near my location that has many detailed window patterns similar to the video that we watched earlier - especially the large round one at the front of this church (see next two pictures below):
Maybe these patterns have something to do with energy - something to do with spreading God's power. Notice the pattern below is constantly flowing and repeating - like an electrical current. Jesus is the light of the world and His Holy Spirit spreads like fire.
Even if you don't have a grand "old world" cathedral in your area, I have noticed that these patterns are found in nature - in God's creation. I always feel closest to God in my garden and worship Him there also.
(Look at the repeating pattern of the middle of the sunflower seen above. Click HERE to view "Strange Stuff - Vortex Math")
Previous "Energy, Frequency & Vibration" posts:
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You might be interested in viewing this video:
click HERE to view
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