
Sunday, January 12, 2025

SECRECY #5 - Secret Societies


SECRECY #5 - Secret Societies

Today is part five in the study about "secrecy."  This post might be controversial to some but the subject needs to be revealed.

Today we are focusing on Secret Societies.  In future posts we will expose specific secret societies like the 33rd degree Masons but today we will be pinpointing our focus on why secret societies are wrong, especially if you are trying to live a Christ-like life.

I am reminded of the speech that President JFK gave - here is a quote (and then a video of that portion of his speech below the quote):


In the above video it touches on the truth about the Federal Reserve but we are not focusing on that truth today.

When I think about secret societies (as an example, college fraternities or sororities; or the Masons) I automatically think about how a "member" is accepted into these groups.  It's never with open arms - it's through initiations and/or other horrid acts.  Even after preforming these requirements there's still no guarantee that you will be accepted.

This is NOT Christ-like.  Look at the Bible passage below:


The "requirement" for being accepted into Jesus Christ's "club" is to believe that through His sacrifice we will have eternal life and to accept His free gift of grace and mercy.
And that "open-arm" policy is extended to everyone and anyone.

Another problem with secret societies is that they are usually only for a certain type of person - all male or all female as an example.
In Jesus' club there is no limitation at all - His club is open to EVERYONE ALL THE TIME.  

Read Galatians 3:28:
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." 

Yet another division for being a member of these horrible secret societies is often wealth.  This is obviously opposite of what Jesus would do - see the verse below:


The Scripture passage below is a perfect explanation - people have lost their ability to hear/sense urgings from the Holy Spirit.  Instead, they twist the truth and surround themselves with people who satisfy what their "itching ears want to hear." 


Everything will be revealed and NONE of these "clubs" will exist: 


Other SECRECY Posts:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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You might be interested in viewing this video:


click HERE to view

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