
Sunday, December 22, 2024

DAY#22 - Jesus is the Lighthouse Advent Calendar


DAY#22 - Jesus is the Lighthouse Advent Calendar

Welcome to Advent Season 2024!!  Advent is the season that begins the celebration of Jesus' coming to earth.  The word "Advent" is derived from the Latin word "adventus" which means "coming".  During Advent, Christians celebrate the birth of the Messiah Jesus but it is also a time to prepare for the second coming of Christ. 

Every year I feature a different Advent calendar and I've been doing this since 2016.  This year, I am actually featuring two different calendars and this is the second one. (click HERE to view Day22 of the Mini Advent Calendar).  
There are so many Bible verses talking about Jesus Christ being the light, that's why I am calling this calendar:
"Jesus is the Lighthouse"

A lighthouse guides mariners safely to their destination - just like Jesus (who is the Light of the world) guides us to eternal life.


Today is December 22nd and I am opening Box#22


Inside we find:

A child walking with a dog to the mailbox to send out a letter


Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going.  Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light."
John 12:35-36


Interesting fact:  Did you know that Michigan is the state with the most lighthouses??  (Maine is a close second).


You might be interested in viewing this video:

click HERE to view

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