Energy, Frequency & Vibration #5 - INSTRUMENTS
This is part 5 in the series on "Energy, Frequency & Vibration." Since it is so close to Christmas, and music is such a large part of the Christmas holiday, I decided to continue in this series on back-to-back Sundays. Last week we focused on "Singing" and today the topic is MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.
The most important part of our lesson today is to realize that music can be used for evil. Our Heavenly Father's energy, frequency & vibration can benefit us only when songs that glorify Him are performed.
Usually these instruments were played along side singing voices.
Below is a diagram showing a few of the types of instruments that were used during Biblical times:
It says in Psalm 100 to make a joyful NOISE unto the Lord. Praising our Heavenly Father using any kind of instrument resonates and spreads His power to anyone listening.
Read the wonderful Bible passage below:
Worshiping our Creator through music comes from deep down in our soul. Look at the Bible verse below - "played music with ALL THEIR MIGHT." What a wonderful description!!! That is true worship.
Below, in Daniel chapter 3 we see how instrumental music was used for evil. King Nebuchadnezzar used his blasphemous music as a call for all of his people to bow down and worship his idols. The energy, frequency and vibration coming from that music would have been harmful because our Heavenly Father's power would NEVER resonate from that type of music.
I recommend reading the entire chapter 3 - we learn how Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-Nego refused to bow down and worship the idols. They were thrown into the fire but survived because God sent protection!!! (some Bible scholars believe God sent an angel to protect them while they were in the fire but other scholars believe it was Jesus down there with them in the fire protecting them. I personally believe it was Jesus).
I believe that much (if not all) of the modern, secular music today is evil and resonates harm to those who listen.
When musical instruments are played in God glorifying music, then positive & beneficial frequencies will resonate.
Previous "Energy, Frequency & Vibration" posts:
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