Sunday, October 27, 2024

Tribes of Israel #3 - God's Covenant with ABRAHAM


Tribes of Israel #3 - God's Covenant with Abraham

In this series we are learning about the Tribes of Israel and in so doing, "feathers have been ruffled".  In the last post we defined some confusing words and I included a video that cleared up some of that confusion.  Well, I almost immediately received a comment calling me "anti-Semitic" just for defining words that are frankly being used incorrectly.  By studying and quoting the Bible does NOT make me anti-Semitic.  Anyway, that is why I will have to start each post in this series with this disclaimer:

I have not, am not and will never condone, encourage or participate in any kind of hate or violence towards any person or group of people.

Today we are going to focus on God's covenant with Abraham (we briefly touched on this covenant in the first post in this series but today we will be going into more detail).

We begin by defining the word "covenant."

Covenant - a binding agreement.
- a condition in a contract (such as nonperformance or violation which gives rise to a breach).

I believe that the Abraham covenant has always been about Jesus and that Jesus Christ fulfilled this covenant instead of replace it.  (see all three Bible passages below):


I need to bring up "replacement theology" - the belief that Jesus is the new covenant that replaces the one with Abraham.  Well, any covenant requires both sides to fulfill their responsibilities in that agreement and if they don't then that agreement has been broken.  It's quite clear in the passage below.  "If that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second."  And, "he has made the first covenant obsolete."  


I also believe that we all might be part of the "Lost Tribes of Israel."  Through heraldry and other ancient findings In the book "Missing Links Discovered In Assyrian Tablets" by E. Raymond Capt - there is a very believable possibility that western Christians might have more Israelite blood that the modern "Jewish" person. 


It's difficult to question the mainstream narrative but maybe they have been lying to us.  Pray for guidance and discernment and our Heavenly Father will show you the truth.


Previous "Tribes of Israel" posts:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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You might be interested in viewing this video:


click HERE to view

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