Sunday, October 20, 2024

Energy, Frequency & Vibration #3 - MUSIC


Energy, Frequency & Vibration #3 - MUSIC

This is part 3 in the series on "Energy, Frequency & Vibration."  Last time we learned a little bit more detail about frequency and about how our voice produces sound.  Today we are focusing on MUSIC.

Let's start with a few more definitions:

Music - vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody or harmony

Rhythm - the aspect of music comprising all the elements (such as accent, meter and tempo) that relate to forward movement

Melody - a sweet or agreeable succession or arrangement of sounds

Harmony - the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord 

Psalms - a collection of sacred poems in a song, especially expressing praise and thanksgiving

Hymn - a song of praise to God

Notice in both Scripture passages below the first thing mentioned is being filled with the Holy Spirit (the word of Christ dwelling in us).  The kind of music that comes from being Spirit filled is totally different from what the world performs.

True music is worshipful, praising God.  That is obvious in the verses below:
- "singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord"
- "making melody in your heart to the Lord"
- "giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in Jesus Name"

Think of modern music and pick almost any line from any modern song and you will see that it is the opposite of worshipful.  It will be hateful, disrespectful, dishonorable, critical and often downright disgusting.



In the Old Testament we learn that God's music is helpful.  Whenever Saul would feel oppressed by an evil spirit, David would play his harp and then Saul became well!!!  And the spirit left him!!  (see Bible verse below)


In modern music it's not just the lyrics that are destructive but the actual melody itself.

This is probably the most wonderful example showing the power of worshiping God through His music.
When Paul & Silas were in prison they would sing and pray.  Notice that it says that the "prisoners were listening to them."  Worshiping God can also be done by listening to His music - not just by singing or performing the songs.

God provided an escape for Paul & Silas because of their sincere worship.  And later on in verses 32 to 34 we read that the jailer and his entire household believed and were baptized!


Music that truly glorifies our Heavenly Father is powerful and healing.  The energy, frequency and vibration that resonates from God's music will always be beneficial. 

Previous "Energy, Frequency & Vibration" posts:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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