Sunday, September 8, 2024

SECRECY #2 - Privacy vs Secrecy


SECRECY #2 - Privacy vs Secrecy

Today we continue our study about "secrecy."  Last month we learned that truth and light can NOT live in secrecy.  In this Bible study we are going to focus on learning the difference between privacy and secrecy.

We begin with the basics - definitions:

Privacy - the quality or state of being apart from observation
- freedom from unauthorized intrusion

Secrecy - the condition of being hidden or concealed

Concealed - to prevent disclosure or recognition of

Notice how those descriptions make the difference between privacy and secrecy clearer.  Privacy (for the most part) is admirable, whereas secrecy (for the most part) is negative and requires hiding or concealing something.
Let's use "truth" in both definitions to make it even more clearer.
Privacy could be going into a place that you own (not a public place because everyone is basically "authorized" to be in a public place) and closing/locking the door to read God's truth in His word (the Bible).
Secrecy on the other hand, requires hiding something.  Let's take the definition of "conceal" and add in the word "truth"
- "to prevent disclosure of truth"
You see, that's negative.

I know what you're saying:  "something evil or bad could be done in private."  But you see, then that becomes secret because the evil is being hidden or is being prevented to be recognized as bad.

Now I'm going to contradict what I just said about secrecy.  Our Heavenly Father often keeps things hidden or concealed but that is of course totally understandable and positive.  God's thoughts are not our thoughts - He must keep things secret until it's time - His timing is always perfect.

Let's look at a few examples in the Bible about privacy and secrecy.


"For God knows the secrets of the heart."
Psalm 44:21

and from Part#1 of this series:

If you feel that something in your life is being concealed, then go somewhere private to pray and ask God for discernment.  Ask also for our Heavenly Father's guidance to get rid of that secret

Other SECRECY Posts:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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You might be interested in viewing this video:


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1 comment:

  1. That was very insightful. A really good lesson on the differences between privacy, secrecy and concealment. Thanks for sharing


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