Saturday, August 10, 2024

Tromboncino Zucchini - My New Favorite Zucchini Variety


Tromboncino Zucchini - My New Favorite Zucchini Variety

If you recall, in some of my previous zucchini posts you know that my husband refers to zucchini as the "carp of the garden".  They are extremely prolific and also grow to a gigantic size almost overnight.
Due to the abundant nature of "zucchini" - I have found many ways to use them: 

This year we have found the most amazing heirloom zucchini variety called: "Tromboncino".  The plant climbs like crazy and the texture and taste of the veggie stays tender even when it grows large.  If you are interested in buying these seeds to grow next here then please click HERE.

Checkout the crazy growing vines of this variety in the pictures below:

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The vine is even reaching out for the clothes line (see picture below):

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I'm fascinated with the twisting, curly tendrils seen below:

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The zucchini are almost twisting like the tendrils:

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And then, almost literally overnight, they grow immensely huge:

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I took a picture of one Tromboncino next to my foot so that you can see how large they grow:

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Even at that size they are tender and delicious!  Perfect for breaded, sauteed zucchini rounds:

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Click HERE to read "Breaded Sauteed Zucchini"


by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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You might be interested in viewing this video:

click HERE to view


  1. Angie,
    Wow, those zucchini are amazing. Your garden is wonderful. I can not get zucchini to grow here in Florida. Everyone I talk to says they don't do well here. They start to grow and then die. I don't have bees around.
    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Thank you! I'm so sorry that you are unable to grow zucchini in Florida. And, you have no bees around? Is it because of the mite that is killing some of our bee population?


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