
Sunday, August 11, 2024

SECRECY #1 - No Secrecy With Truth & Light


SECRECY #1 - No Secrecy With Truth & Light

We are starting a new series today about "secrecy."  Our society is filled with secrecy in so many areas - governments, media, schools and even churches.  In this series we are going to expose the truth (God's Truth) and shine light on some of these dark areas. 
Truth and light can NOT live in secrecy.  


Luke chapter 8, verses 16-18 talks about a lamp - who lights a lamp and then puts it under a bed?  The answer is: nobody - that light is meant to brighten up the entire room.  Also, it's about the kingdom of God.  God's light is to be shared with EVERYONE - there is no secret password required to access that light.

Notice the phrase in the Scripture passage below:  "whoever has ears to hear."  That phrase is seen often in the Bible and it means that those who are filled with the Holy Spirit are able to see through satan's lies and are able to see and hear God's Truths.  When we learn that we have eternal life through Jesus Christ we want to share that love with everyone.  It is evil and false to make salvation through Christ a secret. 

The Scripture passage in Ephesians makes it very clear - we as followers of Jesus are light in this dark world.  Jesus Christ is glorified through us by the way we live, by the way we talk, by the way we act ("walking as children of light").
Now, one thing that modern believers have failed at miserably is exposing this evil secrecy.  Notice in the passage below it says that it is shameful to even talk about what the evil people do in secret but we must EXPOSE THEM.  Expose their evil deeds and thereby stop it from ever happening again.  


Nobody can ultimately hide from justice.  As we learn in Psalm (see below) - God knows everything that happens in the dark - He knows our most intimate secret.

"For God knows the secrets of the heart."
Psalm 44:21

Remember that saying/quote:
"Evil triumphs when the good do nothing."
We MUST expose all evil secrets in order for righteousness to prevail.  We can tweak that saying a little:
Good triumphs when ALL secrecy is exposed. 

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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