Sunday, August 4, 2024

Old Fashioned Sunday Hymn Sing #131

Welcome to the 131st Old Fashioned Sunday Hymn Sing!

I miss the old hymns that I remember from my childhood - there were no drums, no electric guitar and no mind numbing beat. It was just voices and maybe a piano or an organ. The choir led the congregation in singing - and the words of these hymns are poetic. I realize that there is a need for the modern "seeker oriented" worship music - but it is also necessary to have deeper songs (no offense intended to anyone who prefers the newer church songs).

I decided to have an "Old Fashion Sunday Hymn Sing" once a month on this blog.
I personally do NOT have a great singing voice - I used to play the guitar & piano but my voice is NOT an instrument. That's the great thing about this digital hymn sing, you can warble along without being embarrassed or without offending anyone else.

The hymns that we will be studying are taken from an old hymnal from a Baptist church that is no longer in existence - "The North American Hymnal" published in 1956 by "THE ROGER WILLIAMS PRESS"

I will also try to find a version of the featured hymn on "YouTube" to share with you each month.

Today's featured hymn is "Here At Thy Table Lord" written by May P. Hoyt (1820-1895).  Not much detail was found on the featured hymn, nor on the author.  The author had a difficult childhood - her mom passed away when she was only 7 years old.  She eventually taught at the women's school where she attended.

I have included two videos below the lyrics (the second version is my favorite - one person singing 3 parts). 

Turn with me to number 462 in your hymnals and let's sing:

Here at Thy Table, Lord
written by May P. Hoyt (1849-1923) & composed by William F. Sherwin (1826-1888)

1. Here at Thy table, Lord, This sacred hour.  O let us feel Thee near, In loving pow'r:  Calling our thoughts away From self and sin, As toThy banquet hall We enter in.

2.   Sit at the feast dear Lord, Break Thou the bread;  Fill Thou the cup that brings Life to the dead;  That we may find in Thee Pardon and peace;  And from all bondage win A full release..

3.   So shall our life of faith Be full, be sweet;  And we shall find our strength For each day meet;  Fed by Thy living bread, All hunger past.  We shall be satisfied, And saved at last.

4.   Come then, O holy Christ, Feed us, we pray;  Touch with Thy pierced hand Each common day;  Making this earthly life Full of Thy grace, Till in that home of heav'n We find our place.


A special thanks to "First United Methodist Church, Lake Charles, LA" for sharing this with us!

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