
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Beauty in the Little Things


Beauty in the Little Things

I'm sure you have heard this saying in the past:
"Grow where God plants you
Well, that phrase has been helpful in my life.  A trip to Europe or a hike in the Appalachian mountains are beautiful indeed, but I can find just as much beauty in the detailed little things of my garden.

Three beautiful little things popped out at me this summer:
 1.  Allowing a few onions from last year to go to seed this year
2.  The flower of a weed called "Daisy Fleabane"
3.  A bent Echinacea petal 

1.  Onion Flowerheads

We had a few onions that were not harvested last year and instead of digging them up, we decided to try to save some onion seeds.
I was pleasantly surprised to see the beauty of each onion flower (see pictures below).
(I included a special onion recipe below the pictures)

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Carameized Onion Chicken Meatballs photo 013_zpsfd4698a6.jpg

2.  Daisy Fleabane Weed

I'm so glad that I allowed this weed to flower.  Checkout the tiny detail in these cute little flowers - each petal is like a pen line (see pictures below).
Not all weeds are pests
(See link to post below the pictures about a healthy weed)

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3.  A Bent Echinacea Petal

It may look like this Echinacea petal was just blowing in the wind but it wasn't.  I've never seen a petal grow creased without there being something that was forcing it to grow that way.  I just thought this was uniquely weird but still beautiful (see pictures below).
(Below the pictures is a post on Echinacea that I wrote last year)

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by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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