
Sunday, June 16, 2024

"My Father Is Greater Than Me"


"My Father Is Greater Than Me"

Today is "Father's Day" in North America but rather than focusing on our earthly fathers, we are going to be focusing on our Heavenly Father.
I'm going to begin with a controversial topic - the trinity.  The word "trinity" does NOT appear in the Bible at all.  Now, I totally believe and understand that God the Father sent His only BEGOTTEN Son to be born in physical form to save us from eternal damnation and I also believe that the Holy Spirit was sent as our "Helper", but I do NOT believe that all three are equal.  After all, Jesus said so Himself (see verse above).  Last year I wrote a post about "Jesus Christ and the Number 3"  (click HERE to read "Jesus Christ & the Number 3"), but now I do not believe that all 3 are equal.
In the Scripture passage below we see the word "BEGOTTEN" - a very important word (the reason I capitalize it is because in the NIV it changed that word to "only" Son which totally changes the meaning.) - let's define:

Begotten - generated by procreation


In John 3:16 we see that God the Father loved us all and it is our Heavenly Father who provided a way for us to be forgiven and have eternal life.  This "gift" of eternal life can only happen through Jesus Christ - God's only BEGOTTEN Son.  That means that Jesus Christ is Divine but in human form.  Jesus Christ was obedient to His Father and endured unimaginable torture so that we might live forever but that still does not make Jesus equal to His Father.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 6:23

There again, our Heavenly Father made the decision to save us and then His Son obeyed His Father's (our Heavenly Father) plan.
And then in the verse below we see that Jesus is the Mediator - still Divine but not equal to the Father.

"For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,
1 Timothy 2:53

And then, in the passage below we learn about the "Helper" - the Holy Spirit who will be with you FOREVER!!!


Let's use common sense for the verses below - in the first passage below, God has many mansions which means that the Father is the owner and creator of these mansions.  Jesus Christ, the Son is preparing a place for us in His Father's mansions.  God the Father is greater.  However, Jesus Christ the Son is heir of ALL THINGS (see second passage below).  And the Father is sitting on the heavenly throne with Jesus Christ at His right side.


Sometimes we get caught up in the "dogma" and "religious verbiage" but it is because of our Glorious Heavenly Father that we have eternal life because He sent His Perfect obedient Son to save us all!  But it begins with the love that our Heavenly Father has for EVERYONE including YOU!

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Day_zpsb50f87c9.jpg

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