TREES #1 - Visual & Edible
We are starting a new series today focusing on God's glorious trees. We begin today with creation. I believe that our Heavenly Father created this earth and all the beauty in it for us! We are meant to live in abundance.
Look at the verse below:
Firstly, notice that God made EVERY tree. You might read that as "God made every tree to grow" but I see it as both: He created every tree AND He also gave them life to grow.
Secondly, notice that God made trees pleasant to the sight AND He also made them to produce food for us to eat (pleasant to our taste buds).
Visual & Edible
Trees truly are beautiful but lets think about how they touch every aspect of our life.
Below is a list detailing the practical side of how much we use trees (I'm sure that I'm missing something):
1. Food - fruit, nuts, spices (cinnamon)
2. Building - both structures and inside (walls, furniture)
3. Business - paper, books, brochures
4. Medicine - both internally and structurally (crutches, canes)
5. Fuel - both for heat and for cooking
6. Gardening - leaves and wood chips for compost and then
tools (the handles at least)
7. Art - sculpture, sketches (on paper)
8. Transportation - boats, buggy (as in horse & buggy)
9. Communication - mail (stamps, envelopes, paper, cards),
boxes for packages
10. Sports - baseball bat, hockey sticks
11. Weapons - gun (for the stock at least), bow & arrow
12. Currency - the paper representation of nothingness (it
used to represent the value of gold. Now it represents
13. Spiritual - Bible (paper), anointing oil often comes from
olive oil
14. Burial - casket/coffin
15. Education - books, posters, paper
16. Symbolism - "Family Tree" (genealogy)
17. Journalism - newspaper (I know, it's going all digital now)
18. Music - instruments (guitar, flute, violin, piano)
Also, we use every part of trees:
Leaves (e.g. for compost)
Bark (e.g. cinnamon)
Wood (e.g. furniture)
Roots (e.g. sarsaparilla for root beer)
Sap (e.g. maple syrup or turpentine)
Pollen (e.g. supplement pine pollen)
Fruit/nuts (e.g. food)
Our Creator God made all trees for us! Let's praise Him for His glorious creation!
Other Tree posts:
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I keep saying God didn't put trees and plants on the earth for us to look at, they're meant to be used. If we got back to using them more for our health, we'd all be a lot healthier! Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 98. Shared.