
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Learning From History #3 - NUREMBERG CODE


Learning From History #3 - NUREMBERG CODE

Over the past few years I have been very concerned that the world is repeating history.  I know that many parts of the history that we are teaching our younger generation has been watered down and even outright twisted into a falsehood. This "history tweaking" is happening just because the truth might "offend" someone.  I know for a fact that this history twisting has happened because many of my family members lived through and remember World War II.

In this series we are going to study the difficult parts of history that might have recently, intentionally or unintentionally been overlooked.   

Clarification/Disclaimer - I hesitated to include a disclaimer because this might do the very thing that I am trying to avoid - candy-coat history and thereby not tell the whole truth.  The information below lists and details the Nuremberg Code.  By no means am I saying nor implying that I hate nor discriminate against any race, nationality, gender or religious group.  I am also NOT condoning any behavior/action detailed in history.

 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world."
1 John 4:1

Last time we learned about the "Nuremberg Trials" (click HERE to view that post).  Today we are going to be learning about the "Nuremberg Code", which was established during the Nuremberg Trials in 1947.  This "Code" is a list of 10 standards of ethical medical behavior that ALL physicians are to adhere to in the post WWII era (These are all still valid TODAY).  Almost every country in the world signed the Nuremberg Code.  The 10 standards are listed below and I detailed certain points for some of the standards.


Some of the points detailed below each code standard are comparisons to modern day that may or may not be true. 


"Constraint"- the threat or use of force to prevent, restrict, or dictate the action or thought of others.
"Coercion"- to compel to act or choice by threat.


"Results for the good of society" - would that mean people NOT losing their jobs? and businesses NOT closing? and people NOT getting infected with the same disease after the "experiment"? 


The "animal experimentation" that was not fully completed because of an "emergency"?


"Avoid all unnecessary suffering & injury" like permanent, life-changing side effects from the experiment?


"a priori"- lines of reasoning or arguments that proceed from the general to the particular, or from causes to effects


Is a life-changing, permanent side effect an acceptable "degree of risk"?


"Remote Possibility" - slim chance;  bare possibility;  outside chance.


"All stages of the experiment" - is equal to 20 minutes minutes after the initiation of the experiment (sarcasm). 


Does "at liberty to bring the experiment to an end" include stopping after one administration of the experiment?


There have been very few physicians who have "terminated the experiment at any stage" in our current day "situation".

"Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are."

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Learning From History Posts
(click on each title to view):


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