
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Recycled Ornaments Transformed into "Whooville" Garland


Recycled Ornaments Transformed into "Whooville" Garland

Whenever I create Christmas decorations they are either traditional in nature or have something to do with my garden (like these flower decorations made from old ornaments:
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 2016-12-24_zpsrgopeuvm.jpg
click HERE to view that post).
Well, this year I wanted to create something more whimsical and when I saw these plastic ornaments at my local "Goodwill" shop I knew that a "Whooville" style garland would be the end result (from Dr. Seuss' book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas").


Supplies needed:
- package of cheap plastic ornaments 
(various shapes and colors)
- floral wire
- scissors
- wire cutter
- ribbon 

See photo collage above to see how I made the garland.  I arranged the ornaments in a random pattern,  Then I cut the floral wire longer than the length of the set out ornaments and began sewing through the eyelet of each ornament.  I sewed around each eyelet so that the ornaments wouldn't slide back and forth on the wire.  This is very tedious but to make it a little easier I started in the middle and worked out in each direction until all of the ornaments were attached.  Finally, I loosely wrapped the ribbon around and in between every other or every third ornament until the entire garland was completed by the ribbon. 


The next step is to hang up the garland (see picture above and below).



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by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogStuff2_zps23749e24.jpg

Enjoy precious time with your family during Advent.
click HERE to view this post about

1 comment:

  1. Angie,
    I love your garland. Congratulations, you are being featured on Thursday Favorite Things. I hope you stop by.


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