This is the twenty-third post in a series called "Worship Wednesdays". In this series I will focus on one word, thought or lesson and I will feature a modern Christian song that relates to the focus of the day.
Click HERE to read the last Worship Wednesday post:
Let's begin by defining WORSHIP - the feeling or expression of adoration for a deity. Adoration, love, devotion, adulation, glorify, exalt, praise.
There are many ways to worship God but in this series it will be through music.
“Seven times a day I praise you.”
This is the twenty-third post in a series called "Worship Wednesdays". In this series I will focus on one word, thought or lesson and I will feature a modern Christian song that relates to the focus of the day.
Click HERE to read the last Worship Wednesday post:
Let's begin by defining WORSHIP - the feeling or expression of adoration for a deity. Adoration, love, devotion, adulation, glorify, exalt, praise.
There are many ways to worship God but in this series it will be through music.
“Seven times a day I praise you.”
Psalm 119:164

“Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them:
“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

click HERE to read: "Living Day by Day"

click HERE to read: "The Burden of Weakness"

click HERE to read: "Dealing with Exhaustion"

click HERE to read: "Comforting Green Pastures & Quiet Waters"

click HERE to read: "Fortified & Protected Against Attack"
Related posts (click on each title to view the entire post):
Sheltered From Danger or Trouble
Protect From Danger (SHIELD)
Spiritual Warfare
Matthew 14:25-27

click HERE to read: "Living Day by Day"

click HERE to read: "The Burden of Weakness"

click HERE to read: "Dealing with Exhaustion"

click HERE to read: "Comforting Green Pastures & Quiet Waters"

click HERE to read: "Fortified & Protected Against Attack"
A special thanks to "HopeThatHeals Margie Schneider" for sharing this with us on YouTube
Related posts (click on each title to view the entire post):
Sheltered From Danger or Trouble
Protect From Danger (SHIELD)
Spiritual Warfare
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