
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sing To The Lord! - PSALM 96

Sing To The Lord! - PSALM 96

Since we will be celebrating Thanksgiving next week, and since it has been such a difficult year, I thought it would benefit us all to focus on God's awesomeness.

"Singing to the Lord" is not necessarily musical.  It's about praise and worship.  When I am working in the garden I am singing to the Lord - I am marveling at His creation.  A tiny little seed produces a bounty of delicious food and this happens because God is awesome.  Then, when I am cooking or baking something using that garden produce I am "singing to the Lord" - praising and thanking God for who He Is.

Psalm 96 is the perfect chapter to lift us out of this Pandemic sadness.

I have split this chapter into three areas:
1.  Who God is
2.  What God has done/is doing/will do
3.  What we should do

God is
- Glory.  God's glory was referred to four times (vs 3,6,7 & 8)
- God is great (vs 4)
- God is worthy of praise (vs 4)
- Splendor.  God's splendor was highlighted twice (vs 6 & 9)
- His majesty (vs 6)
- God's strength was spoken about twice (vs 6 & 7)
- His holiness (vs 9)

God has done/is doing/will do
- Salvation - God has saved us! (vs 2)
- Marvelous deeds (vs 3)
- God made the heavens (vs 5)
- He will judge with equity (vs 10)
- God reigns
- He will judge in righteousness (vs 13)
- He will judge in His truth (vs 13)
- He will judge the earth & the world (vs 13)


What We Should Do....
- Sing to the Lord! - mentioned three times (vs 1,2)
- Praise His name (vs 2)
- Proclaim his salvation "day after day" (vs 2)
- Declare his glory (vs 3)
- Fear God above all gods (vs 4)
- Bring offering (vs 8)
- Worship Him (vs 9)
- Tremble before Him (vs 9)
- Say "The Lord reigns" (vs 10)
- REJOICE (vs 11)

Look at the passage in the picture above - I just love the description:
- heavens rejoice
- earth be glad
- sea resound
- fields be jubilant
- trees sing for joy
- all creation rejoice


Even when our situation is difficult beyond our imagination - let's rejoice!!!  Because God is great & worthy of praise.  
Sing to the Lord everyday!


Take Up The THANKFULNESS Challenge!
I challenge you to thank God for something everyday for one year!  Either write it down in a diary OR share with us on a blog.  If you have a blog & would like to share your THANKFULNESS posts with us, then please fill out this form: 365 Days of Being THANKFUL form - click HERE and you will be added to the THANKFULNESS page.


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