The Irony of Wealth & Work
Over the past few months we have been focusing on the financial side of life using God's guidance. About 3 months ago we learned about "being practical" in every aspect of our life (click HERE to read that post), and then more recently we talked about "Mustard Seeds and Pennies" or using common "cents" when striving to be Christ-like in our personal finances (click HERE to read that post). And also asking ourselves some serious questions like: Are we serving God or money? Or, can we be trusted with little or much? (click HERE to read that post). Today we are learning about the irony of wealth and work.
I'm sure we have all noticed how the rich and famous never seem to be satisfied with what they have - nothing is ever enough. And, I am also sure that we have all bought something not very practical and when we get home we never use it or the only purpose of the thing is to just "feast our eyes" on it. These are lessons we can learn from the verses above - lets continue reading:

Have you ever noticed that it seems like those who work the hardest often have the least to eat but sleep well? On the opposite side it seems like those who have plenty just worry about their money and possessions and this worry keeps them up at night.
Just recently in the world of the "rich and famous" there is a certain actor (I won't state his name) who lost everything. He hoarded his wealth and lived above his means - he was spending 2 million dollars a month! He was warned my his financial advisors to cut back and even fly commercial but he refused. Now he has nothing to pass down to his children. This kind of situation seems to happen time and time again. Just think of all the good that could have been accomplished with all that wealth.

The main point is that we all leave this world with nothing! We can't take our possessions or our gold and silver. We can't take our mansions and acres of land. If you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins then you know that what God has created in heaven is far better than anything we could ever imagine here on earth.

In verse 18 when it says: "eat, drink and find satisfaction" - this does NOT mean that it is acceptable to sin. We can still enjoy life without sinning. When you become a Christian your desires change.
The last lesson to be learned from todays Scripture is to be glad with what God has given you today. Be thankful and happy with the situation that you are in right now. God might have a change planned for your future but ONLY be concerned with today and be satisfied with the here and now.
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