Freezing Goji Berries
Goji berries are not the best tasting berries out there but because they are so full of antioxidants my husband and I decided to start growing them a few years ago. Goji berries are considered a "superfood". They are packed with antioxidants and are said to help improve our vision, mood, immune system and so much more (again, I'm NOT a doctor - see my disclaimer at the end of this post). These berries are also a good source of fiber & protein.
I freeze these berries to use in smoothies during the winter.
Wash, drain and "destem" (take the stems off) your goji berries. Spread your prepared berries on a wax paper lined cookie sheet. Place them in a freezer for about 3 to 4 hours (or until goji berries are frozen). Freezing the berries first will help prevent them from sticking together in the bag.
Now fill your baggies with the frozen berries. I use a vacuum packer but using ziploc baggies is also an option.
Then seal each bag according to the manufacturer's instructions. Label and then it will be ready for winter usage.
Freeze before vacuum packing! - If you seal before freezing then you will have mushed gojis and juice all over the counter and inside your vacuum packing machine (and the bag will not seal properly).

Click HERE if you would like to read:
How To Grow Your Own Goji Berry Plant From a Cutting
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