Green Bean Fortress - Protecting Against Rabbit Monsters
I was so excited about our bean crop this year. I had 5 different heirloom bean packets that I had ordered through the mail. My anticipation continued to grow as all seeds were planted and they were growing so wonderfully. Then one morning I noticed that these healthy plants looked strange from a distance. When I came close I knew that some critter had eaten the tender leaves (at this time it was only the tender leaves).
I first tried sprinkling "Shake Away" (which is coyote urine granules) around my bean patch but that didn't work. I had read somewhere that sprinkling cayenne pepper on the leaves prevented wildlife from chewing away. This was not a success. Then my dad said that one year he had that problem and spread baby powder onto all of the leaves. I thought that this method was working and I continued to talcum powder my plants until that horrible day of devastation.
As I walked towards my garden I saw two giant rabbits - I immediately began yelling, running and flailing my arms. I was saying something like: "you idiots! how could you - how dare you! Get out of here!" I have been known to yell at squirrels and I think my neighbors believe that I am mentally disturbed. I also threw a stick at the monsters and since I still throw like a two year old toddler, this stick throwing just adds to my neighbor's suspicion that I have mental issues.

The chomped bean plants look like the plants above - there is one remaining healthy plant below.

We knew that we had to do something to take back our garden. We happened to be shopping at our local "Tractor Supply" and found a mesh fence on clearance.

Instead of heirloom seeds I had to settle for any bean seed that my local store had available - the new crop is heavily protected now. ENJOY!

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