
Sunday, November 29, 2015

The First of Advent 2015 - NATIVITY #1 - The Basics

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo Nativity_zpsqxt1zqg4.jpg

The First of Advent 2015 - Nativity #1 - The Basics

Today is the first of Advent and this year I wanted to focus on the "Nativity".  I have a few different "Nativity Scene" figurine sets that I display every Christmas but this one is a favorite from my childhood.  The figurines are somewhat cartoon-like but they are still very precious to me.  As I looked at these figurines I started to wonder about the details portrayed by these little statues - so today let's start with the basics.

We'll start with basic definitions:  What does "nativity" mean?
Nativity - the process or circumstances of being born
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Therefore, it makes sense that we display a "nativity scene" portraying what we celebrate during Advent and Christmas.

What about "creche"?
Crèche - a representation of the nativity scene
  (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
I used to think that creche was just the stable/barn figurine - however I was wrong.

Manger - a trough or open box in a stable designed to hold feed for livestock
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
We know that Mary placed Jesus in a manger from this verse:

"She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."  
Luke 2:7

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF7430_zpsbgnsuthk.jpg

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF7428_zpstjhtua1f.jpg

That verse started to make me wonder about the stables where Jesus was born.  I do not have any training in Biblical history so I decided to research this question online.

Was Jesus really born in a stable/barn?
The answer is probably NOT - He was most likely born in a house.  We know for sure that there was no room in the Inn (see previous verse above) and because Mary placed Jesus in a manger it is just inferred that they were in a barn.  We also seem to modernize what it must have been like at Jesus' birth (I know I do).  However, it was normal for animals to live in people's homes during Biblical times.  So, the fact that Mary placed Jesus in a manger should not prove that they were in a barn.

Even though our modern day Nativity Scenes may not portray exactly how life was then - it is still important and precious for families to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF7434_zpsm3onmqhs.jpg

In the weeks to come we will explore the other aspects of the Holy Nativity including the visitors.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF7435_zpsybw480nh.jpg


by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF7431_zpsjpn2jpsw.jpg

The First of Advent from previous years:

(click on the titles below to view previous First of Advent posts on this blog)
2012 - O Come All Ye Faithful (& Advent Wreath)
2013 - Angels We Have Heard on High
2014 - O Little Town of Bethlehem


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  1. Such a lovely Nativity Set.

  2. The nativity scene is adorable! And I never knew that it was called a creche

  3. I love your Nativity Set and the description, too. :)


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.