If you missed the post from a few days ago about "My Christmas Family Tree Ornaments - Scrapbook Style" then click HERE to view.
I decided that I will share a few of these pictures each day until Christmas - they will either be MEMORIES or STORIES. (Memories are obviously something that happened in my lifetime & Stories are taken from pictures that I did not experience but rather heard the descriptions of the events that those pictures portray)
STORY#1 From My Christmas Family Tree Ornaments
My Husband the Rocker - Oh those dimples! - They still make your heart melt! (or mine anyway). In the picture below my husband is sitting on his rocking horse. My mother-in-law said that he used to fall asleep on this rocking horse because he loved it so much. He has been rocking his entire life - today he has a rocking chair for the family room where he watches TV & gets on the computer; he has a rocking chair in his office where he works everyday while rocking; he has a rocking chair on the porch and also out back for the summer when relaxing by the garden. About the only place where he does not rock is at the dining room table. This is a great Story Ornament.
Click to view:
MEMORY Ornament #1
MEMORY Ornament #2
STORY Ornament #2
MEMORY Ornament #3
STORY Ornament #3
MEMORY Ornament #4
MEMORY Ornament #2
STORY Ornament #2
MEMORY Ornament #3
STORY Ornament #3
MEMORY Ornament #4
Click the button below to buy my Children's Picture ebook for Christmas:

How cute! My fave ornaments are the ones with shared memories :)