
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Great Blog Train 19 & Giveaway - Destination: Dallas, TEXAS

All Aboard!!!
The Great Blog Train

A monthly blog hop departing from your online train station on the first Wednesday of every month!
God’s Growing Garden

The Great Blog Train has 5 Engineers
plus a "Destination Co-host"!!
If you link up that means your blog will be seen on 6 different blogs!!!

Please meet our Destination Co-host:
"Holli's Hoots and Hollers"

This month we will be travelling to Dallas, TEXAS
Also, remember to visit the DINING CAR on one of the Engineer's blogs!

If you are interested in being a Co-host for the Great Blog Train then please click HERE and fill out the form (THANK YOU!!)

The Great Blog Train's 12th Great Giveaway!!!
1 Lucky winner will win the following:

- $25 Paypal Cash from Angel
1 Sidebar Ad Space from Angie 
- "My Cookie Creation Countdown" ebook by Angie Ouellette-Tower
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 2012-07-13_zps3114e498.jpg
God’s Growing Garden

Remember to join the fun even if you are running a little late.  The last entry will receive the Caboose Feature! 

June's Caboose and featured blog happens to be:
"Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains" Congratulations!
Debbie is an amazing person with a wonderful blog - she is a "wife, mom, nurse & survivor of obstacles."  She describes her blog as this: "sharing our lives living in controlled chaos, raising kids & coping with tragedy."  Her blog is so inspiring!

Blog Train Rules, by Angie Ouellette-Tower for
Linking up to the Train is as easy as
1, 2, 3!
 photo BlogTrain1_zps5b03f18a.jpg The Great blog Train by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogTrain2_zpsf10a0b46.jpg The Great blog Train by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo BlogTrain3_zpsdc2185c5.jpg



Please checkout this month's wonderful Sponsor!!

"Wholesale Nursery Co" - Is a 56 year old family owned & operated Nursery that sells the best quality trees, shrubs, vines, moss, wetland plants & so much more at Affordable Wholesale Prices!

Wholesale Nursery Co
(Please click on the ad above)


  1. I'm already following most of the hosts/cohosts. I always love boarding the train. =0)
    Thanks for hosting.

  2. PS - Did you ever find out what happened with your button codes on the sidebar? It just happened to my blog too, and I still can't figure it out.

    1. No - I could never figure it out - so sorry that it happened to your blog too - the drop down code box still works in my posts though - so that's what I did - provided a text link to my button page that has the codes.

  3. Angie!!!!! you are so wonderful, I am touched. I have met so many wonderful people through blogging. You are part of my blogging ohana (family).

    1. Thank you Debbie - you too are part of my Blogging family - I am blessed by your Blogging friendship!

  4. Good morning and greetings from the UK! Thanks for the ticket to Dallas - whilst present and correct (I hope) here, still too far away to do it for real! Hope to meet my fellow travellers this month, later today. Have a great trip everyone Isobel

    1. I've never been to TX either but I also enjoy the digital trip - I'm so glad that you could join us - God bless!

  5. I following, Let me know if you difficulty follow back, I'm knew to blogging I did three steps and linked on to the train also had dinner the Dutch baby pancakes,lol.

    1. Hi Jo May,
      I tried to follow you on GFC & at first it didn't work - I was using Internet Explorer. Then I used Google Chrome & I was able to follow you just fine on GFC (strange) - anyway I'm also following on google+ & Networked Blogs - Thanks so much!

  6. Thanks for the Train Ride Angie!!! I wanted to tell you that my name is still on the giveaway, Follow on twitter:) Lynn

    1. Oh my goodness - thank you so much for letting me know - I will change that right now. It was just a thank you for your Engineering services - hahaha - lol.
      Have a great 4th

  7. Fun, Fun, fun!! Love this. Who doesn't love giveaways? Plus, I recently read it is a great way to promote your blog and get a lot of new followers!!

  8. This is a great little link party combined with a giveaway! Thank you for hosting!

  9. Great linky party. Thanks for hosting and sharing with Creative Style!


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.