The Finely Shaved Chocolate Grater
I just love my kitchen gadgets - this Chocolate grater makes the perfect finely shaved Chocolate. This grater is not to be confused with a citrus zester - there are some zesters that look the same but the metal razer portion is different for a zester.
When using this grater make sure that the piece of chocolate that you are using is large enough so that you don't scrape the top of your fingers.

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Turn It Up Tuesday
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"Perennial Nursery Co" - is a family owned and operated wholesale nursery grower of over 3400 acres of pure pleasure in growing speciman quality perennials, ferns and groundcover vines.
Thanks for the invitation to this month's journey. Once I've found the ticket, I'll join the train. Meanwhile thanks for being host and co-hosts. Will call in to meet folks later: got a lot on today.