"Sprout Train" for Constant Winter Sprouts
Sprouts are so important to add to our daily menu, especially in the winter when we are not having that constant flow of fresh garden produce.
Raw sprouts are considered by many to be a super-food. Sprouts are:
- high in enzymes
- they are rich in many vitamins like Vitamin C, E and B
- also high in many minerals like copper, magnesium, iron, manganese
-have moderate protein amounts
- contains chlorophyll
(NOTE: I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice - please see my disclaimer at the end of this post)
Sprouts are so easy to grow yourself! See "How to grow your own sprouts (click HERE to view)
And then, once you master that - make your own delicious Egg Rolls using some of those freshly homegrown sprouts (click HERE to view)

Don't forget to cover the jars with a dark cloth!
I always keep 4 sprouting mason jars going at one time - that way I will always have fresh sprouts to eat at least once a day (I call it the Sprout Train).
I know that counter space might be an issue (it is for me) - but I keep these "sprouting jars" behind my sink on a small part of the counter that wasn't used for anything else before. Granted - "The Home and Garden" Channel won't be featuring this as the newest kitchen design trend - but it works for me.
CONCERN: Some people worry about bad bacteria growing on sprouts - When I am ready to eat my sprouts I will soak them in a bowl of water with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide for about 10 minutes - & then rinse that off (I have never gotten sick from my sprouts so far).

Every other day or every third day I start soaking some seeds/beans in a new jar - I continue (every 2 or 3 days) until I have 4 mason jars with sprouts at various growing stages (see picture above).
Picture#1 - the seeds/beans have just been drained for the first time
Picture#2 - the seeds/beans have just started sprouting
Picture#3 - only a couple days away from being finished
Picture#4 - ready to eat!

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"Eternal Girl" (Julia) creates jewelry and other gifts specializing in handmade henna inspired designs
Hi Angelique! So nice to meet another Canadian blogger, and so happy to be part of the WUW team with you! Hope you are staying warm in the never ending cold winter! :) x