
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Planning for Extended Stay Company - SNACKS

Meal Planning by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo MealPlanning_zps55dc7cd5.jpg
 Meal Planning for Extended Stay Company - SNACKS

It's that time of year when our houses are full of family & friends.  Whether it's an unexpected visit from Cousin Eddie or the dreaded yearly visit from Fuller McCallister - Meal planning is essential!  This post is the fifth of a six part series on Meal Planning for those types of visitors.

Today it is all about SNACKS - Food for the in between times.  These are my top 10 Snack recipes in order of my preference (Look at the picture and if something looks interesting to you then find the number below & click on the title to view the entire post)  ENJOY!
Snacks by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo 2012-06-23_zps7b714fe8.jpg


Linked to:
Inspiration Monday
Four Seasons Blog Hop
Freedom Fridays

Please checkout this month's wonderful Sponsor!!
"Seed and Garden" is a fantastic online Garden Supply Store! This one stop shop has vegetable & herb seeds, garden tools, soil mixes, pest control products, plant labels - everything gloriously garden under the sun!

Seed and Garden

(Please click on the ad above)


  1. This year I've gotten requests for the egg rolls, so we'll be making those. Chips and Salsa are always great. I bet that bacon wrapped zucchini would go over real well with my kids! Great ideas. =0)

  2. As ever they look delicious and am sure taste even better - but, forgive me, are the numbers for photos 3 and 4 in the wrong order? Sure it won't change the taste, but could confuse some fast workers!!!

    1. Oh my goodness - how funny! Yes they were in the wrong order - thank you so much for letting me know - I just fixed them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for so many fun ideas! Thanks for sharing on The Four Seasons Blog Hop! Sandra from Scrumptilicious 4 You!


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.