
Monday, October 7, 2013

Garden Tools - Lacrosse Fruit Picker

Lacrosse Fruit Picker by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF0756_zps8e645031.jpg

Garden Tool - Lacrosse Fruit Picker

This tool isn't really Lacrosse gear - it just looks like a Lacrosse stick to me.  It is however one of the most helpful garden tools available.

As a child I remember watching my dad climb this exact pear tree that you see below  - climbing higher than I ever thought possible just to get that prize pear.

A few years ago I bought this tool for my dad and I think it has been a life saver (no offense dad but your climbing days are over).

Lacrosse Fruit Picker by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF0749_zps9de7b37b.jpg

That's me holding the "Lacrosse Fruit Picker" (as I call it) - the handle extends so that you can even reach the top of the tree!!

Lacrosse Fruit Picker by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF0748_zps1a7bc13b.jpg

Simply scoop the fruit with the red basket & then pull away from the tree & the basket will be cradling your sweet produce.

Lacrosse Fruit Picker by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF0752_zps96851705.jpg

This fruit picker will extend even to the height of electrical wires - CAUTION: never touch electrical wires with this garden tool ever!!!

Lacrosse Fruit Picker by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF0753_zps403b19e5.jpg

With this amazing tool you will have picked the fruit from the entire tree in no time at all!


Lacrosse Fruit Picker by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo DSCF0751_zpsd9521899.jpg


Please checkout this month's wonderful Sponsor!!

"Forsythia For Sale" this amazing online store has 45 acres of 11 different varieties of forsythia bushes!!  And many more shrubs like Boxwood, Hydrangea and Evergreen Shrubs.

Forsythia For Sale
(Please click on the ad above)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, blast from the past. My Nan got my Grandad to fashion some sort of circle to the top of an old broom handle and she crocheted a net. It was just like a home made one of these. I haven't thought of it for years!
    Visiting 'cos I missed the train :-(
    Following anyway on google +


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