
Monday, January 30, 2012

Special Post: Versatile Blogger Award

I have just been awarded the "Versatile Blogger Award" by Lynette from "Sweet Posy Dreams" (Please visit her blog - It's fantastic)
It is so wonderful to know that my blog is appreciated and that the information that I share is helpful to others.  This Award is really a way to share appreciation and encouragement. 

Pinned Image

This is how it works:

1. Thank the person that nominated you, and give a shout out to them on your blog with a link to theirs. 
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself. 
3. Send the blog award to 15 other bloggers whose blogs you love and appreciate, and let them know they won the award.

In other words - the 15 bloggers that I have nominated will appreciate 15 other bloggers and those 15 bloggers will appreciate 15 more bloggers each, which equals 
exponential encouragement!

7 random facts about myself:
1.  I am a Canadian married to an American
2.  My favorite book is the Bible
3.  I love to garden but hate the heat
4.  Wearing a hat throws my neck out of line
5.  I am distantly related to Chief Pontiac
6.  I’m a little OCD and I don’t like my food to touch
7.  I have an extra sesamoid bone in both of my feet

Here are the 15 talented bloggers that I have awarded the "Versatile Blogger Award":

A super duper sparkling "Thank You" to Lynette at


  1. You're welcome! I know some of the blogs you recognized above. Now off to check out the others!

  2. Thank you for the award! I will be writing a post about it shortly!

  3. Thank you so much for giving me the award, I am so honored:) Hugs!

  4. Thank you Angie for including me in your "Versatile Blogger Awards"! Much appreciated!

  5. Thanks so much for including me! I will reciprocate.

  6. You're welcome everyone - it was so much fun!

  7. Thank you so much for including Keeping It Indie in your blog nominations! I could not be more grateful for the kindness!

    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Angie... Thank you so much for adding my blog to your list!

    I've just been checking out your food posts.... suddenly hungry! :)

    Thanks again!
    Jacqueline x

  9. Angie, thanks for the award! Sorry it has taken me so long to reply but we were out of town and then when I got back, I had to try to get caught up.
    I will get busy on it today and post tomorrow!!
    Thanks again!


Please feel free to leave comments or questions (no question is ever stupid) - They will show up on the blog once I have read through them.
Thank You.