
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mulching Carrots

I moved the mulch aside to harvest 1 carrot

Mulching Carrots

As I'm sure you know by now - there is nothing better than eating fresh vegetables picked from your garden just minutes before eating them.  Fresh does taste best.  By mulching root crops you are able to keep those vegetables in the garden for many months during the winter and still harvest fresh from the garden.  I am talking specifically about carrots.

Straw is the best thing to use for mulching carrots but this year we used leaves that had been chopped by our riding mower.  Simply spread a thick layer of mulch over each row of carrots making sure that some of the green plant shows through (see picture below).  Obviously the reason for allowing the green carrot plant to pop through the mulch is so that you will know where to dig when you desire a garden fresh carrot.

By mulching I can extend my carrot crop well into the winter.  Here in Michigan I make sure that I have harvested all of my carrots before the night temperatures get below 0 degrees.  I usually have them harvested by mid January but we have had some mild winters where they made it to February.

ENJOY garden fresh carrots in winter!

1 comment:

  1. I never heard of doing this. What a great idea. I wish I had enough sun in my yard for a vegetable garden. Maybe someday!


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