
Monday, October 31, 2011


A Scarecrow "Gourd-o-lantern" by Angie Ouellette-Tower


I know that many Christians are offended by "Halloween" - and since today is Halloween I decided to talk about Scarecrows instead.

Over the years Scarecrows have become a Halloween decoration but they started as a practical pest repellant used by farmers.  It's obvious by their name that the purpose of a Scarecrow was to keep birds away from farmer's crops.  I always used to think that Scarecrows originated in North America but in my research I found out that they date back a couple thousand years.  Japan, Egypt and Europe had their own versions of the modern day "Scarecrow." 

My image of a scarecrow is of course from the "Wizard of Oz" - the brainless scarecrow might even have been a model for my "gourd-o-lantern" scarecrow. 

Enjoy the pictures and enjoy your day.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Angie. Wonderful idea. I love the Scarecrow and you did him justice with this pumpkin. Thank you for joining our Halloween Blog Hop!


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