
Sunday, August 14, 2011

We are the Branches

"Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself;  it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."  John 15: 4

(This is the second of an eight part series on John 15)

I looked up the meaning of the word "remain" - to continue in the same state or condition, to stay in the same place.  We are to stay with Jesus, to continue with Him - in good times and in bad times - we are to "continue" and "stay" with Jesus Christ.  "Remain" has no time limit, it has no ending - it is forever!

Each branch can only receive sap from the vine when there is constant never-ending contact with the vine.  Any branch that even has a crack in it will not produce any grapes or it will produce a very little amount of deformed grapes.  If we are to live a fruitful life;  if we are to truly live - then we must be in constant contact with our Lord and Savior.  Numerous times a day we can talk to Him, share our feelings with Jesus- our struggles and our joys.  Even when we are not consciously talking to Jesus or praying - just know that He is always there and that the "sap" is always flowing.  The Holy Spirit will intercede - the "sap" is the symbol for the Holy Spirit and the "vine" symbolizes Jesus and the branches symbolize us (all of us Christians).  That "sap" is then sent out through the "vine" (through Jesus) into each "branch" (each of us). 

Let us draw from that vine daily, many times a day.

Part 1:  The True Vine
Part 4:  Branches Wither Away
Part 5:  As the Father Has Loved Me
Part 6:  Complete Joy
Part 7:  A Friend's Love 
Part 8:  Chosen Fruit

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